Saturday, August 31, 2013

Another Week, and Disempai

Konichiwa Kazoku! 

First of all I'd just like to thank you for the packages family. For hontos. (Honto=real) The food keeps me alive in the evening. 
Thank you Fiso's for the package. One Elder after he ate one of your cookies said "These must be the cookies they have in the Celestial Kingdom!" or something to that effect. They were amazing. 
Also, Grandma Wheelwright, I really appreciate the pictures you send me. You're amazing at taking pictures. 
Skyler and Fang, I'm writing you a letter to fully express my joy for both of you. :D 
I love you all, and I thank you for all of the support you give me. A lot of missionaries get really down because they don't have any support from home, and I'm grateful for the blessing of having a wonderful supporting family. Really though, thank you all. 
So this week:
Neal L. Anderson Choro came and talked to us on Tuesday about the importance of love and sacrifice. He said: "We sacrifice for the things we love, and we love the things we sacrifice." His Spirit was amazing. And being in his presence is humbling. (I sang in the choir and the choir director told us an amazing story about how his wife and him met in a choir at BYU and it's always been their dream to sing in MOTAB, but then they had kids and work and ran out of time. Now their kids are gone, but she got Alzheimer surprisingly early in her life, and she's currently in a rest home. The day he was directing us was his birthday- his daughter wrote the MOTAB peoples and they were so touched by their story that they allowed them to sing with them on Thursday. And made special arrangements around the requirement of her being able to walk up the stairs. I would tell it story format, but then I would probably cry. I just learned that any person despite their out side appearance could have anything going on in their life, and it isn't for us to judge unrighteously. ) Sorry- long side note. 
After he talked we were all held in for a while by security because apparently the lighting was really bad. Anderson Choro went around and shook people's hands and talked with them. He's an amazing man.
We all were eventually allowed to walk outside and it was an amazing sight. The asphalt had become a river, and the skys poured. I love ame (rain). The whole walk back I just smiled. The Lord is amazing. (Cool little side note: in Japanese because of the different levels of respect based on social status, etc., when Christ tells the sea "Peace, be still" a direct translation in Japanese is "Shut up and be quiet." I love it!) We were all dripping wet for our devotional discussion. But my planner and shiro hon (white book (bible)) were dry! Miracle. Laugh. 
So just a little thought for this week: Isaiah is cool. Nephi is just like "Alright everyone, I like Isaiah. (My soul delightith in his words) So I'm going to quote him." So if you're anything like I used to be, when you get to the Isaiah part of the Book of Mormon it's like: "Why Nephi?.. Tell us more about cutting off people's heads 'n' stuff." But it finally clicked why Nephi liked Isaiah. He could relate to him. Nephi saw so many of the things that Isaiah saw, and he probably didn't have too my people to relate to after his father died. Not only that, but most of the chapters are about our day! 2Nephi 12:7-8 Their land also is full of silver and fold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots. Their land is also full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made. Chariot= cars. Just imagine Isaiah seeing Modern New York. Or the idols that we worship= phones. :) Come on, think about it. It ALL relates to us! he said he writes nothing save it be of great value [I don't remember where] and all of it is for us! I was wonder why Nephi was recording Jacob's speech about the last days. I wondered why Jacob would even be talking about the last days to these people who weren't going to be a part of it: then it hit me. The Lord shares greater Spiritual truths with those who can handle it. And they could. Also, Nephi only recorded that part of his speech which had to do specifically with our day. The record is for us! READ IT! (please...?) 
If you open your mind and "liken" the scriptures to yourself, then you will be blessed have gain direction. Pick a question, hold it in your mind, and then read- I testify to you that you question will be answered. I'm not sure how it works, but it does. (The Spirit) The Lord will give all men wisdom, but that does not mean that we don't have to search for it. 
Also, I was reading about the 'Comforter' in John. It says in John (But the Comfoter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.) that He will bring all things to our remembrance. THAT'S SO COOL! Think about it, have you ever had to study for a test, or been bogged down with a ton of things to do (or maybe learned a language?) and the Spirit will bring those things to your remembrance. Also, a crazy deeper level application that hit me: The Veil is the Veil of Forgetfulness- to remember is the opposite of to forget. Do you realize the application? Everything that we knew about God the Father, and His Son, and every Spiritual truth, every ounce of knowledge that we gained in the life before can be recalled though the Spirit. GAH!!! The gospel is true. I am consistently remind of its truthfulness though my study. If you feel any doubt, read the scriptures and pray with real intent and I promise you that God will give you what you need to know and what you need to hear. He will not ubpraid. What kind of father would give his son a stone when he asked for bread? Definitely not a perfect, glorified, loving Father. Seek Him, and you will find truths. Follow Him and you will be blessed more than you can handle. That doesn't mean life won't be hard. It just means that you're have a smile and a full heart as your wading though it. 
So JAPANESE! We got an atarashi sensei this week (new teacher). He went to the glorious land of Sendai on his mission, so I've had takasan no tanoshimi about that. (bunch of excitement). He's a cool man that gets crazy excited about the gospel. If you look at him you would think he'd be a punk, but he's a strong brother of the gospel. (LIKE IN ALMA!) 
For TRC (I'm not actually sure what it stands for anymore because we just use the abbreviation. so much. It's like MTC... What does that even mean...?) this week we got to Skype a kyokaiin (church member) from Japan. Just another side note: I love all of the Nihonjin (Japanese people). I love them so much. They're a beautiful people, with such humble attitudes, and warm hearts. (Even if they guard them more than most people). We talked with this man in Japanese for about 40 minutes. He asked us "How are you going to explain what sin is to a people who think that sin is breaking the law?" "How are you going to teach God's commandments to people who have no idea who God is?" My companion I think was in shock the whole time because he was actually hearing Japanese, so he kept quiet. I smiled even bigger (I was smiling the whole time), and I said "ii shitsumon." (Good question) and he burst out laughing a rich laugh. We couldn't help but to join. "Demo, watashitachi wa gabarimasu" (But, we'll try our best.) 
Japanese humbles me. Because though I may have known the answer in aigo (English) that does me no good at all! I have to rethink all of the principals and concepts that I have so thoroughly leaned in English and relearn them in Nihongo. I feel stripped of everything that I've built up for myself, every clever phrase that comes so naturally in this tongue, and falls out of my mouth in perfect order- is gone. I am a humble servant, with little knowledge, and a humble short testimony and message. Watashino mesagi ga 'Iesu Kirisutosama wa watashitachino Sukuinishi desu' de toshite imasu. (My message is ' Jesus Christ is our Savior' this I know.) And I'm pretty sure the grammar is wrong, but that is what I know. 
Apparently last night Nebeka choro said woke up and 4:00 and heard me talking in my sleep in Japanese. When he told me, I said "Yosh". 
I love every person in my district. Life is so much easier when you love the people around you. You don't have to think about who you have to avoid, or about what other people think of you; you just love God first, then you don't have worry about the latter, then love everyone around you and the former is covered as well. 
Sorry if you think I'm preach-y but that's what I'm called to do. "Kuiaratame nakareba narimasen!" -(You MUST repent!) 
I love the Lord, I love this work, I love the MTC, and I love you! 
Wiruraito Choro
p.s. Kotter Choro left. :( -But that means that I'm a disempai now! We're the next ones to leave! I mean the food is good, but not nine weeks good. 

                                       This is my beautiful name tag.  Christ's name is right under mine.  We get our real Japanese ones next week or the week after :) I got to choose how it's spelled.  I actually got advice from a Nihongin.  I love them :)  

This is all my equipment that I carry around me.  Location: Keys and card- right hip.  White Bible- chest pocket.  Words I don't know notebook- Left pocket.  Planner and Pen- Right pocket.  Name tag- on my heart.  Flashcards- Right inner Pocket.                       


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


So this letter will probably be split in half as well. With going to the temple and how crowded it is lately, we have hardly any time to write.
This week has been amazing, as are most of the weeks here. I'm really good friends with everyone in my district and I love each and every one of them. (Even the ones that are hard to love.) ... Ah.. Things have been good.
So just a quick little tip for everyone that every wants to accomplish something, which probably should be most people:... GOALS!!!!!
Goals are how we turn our hopes into action. Let me tell you how this is to be done. - Naaaa, not this week. I don't have much time.
Japanese is going far better this week. My brain is finally adapting to memorizing things. The grammatical order is a little bit hard to get the hang of. Here's an example let's see if you can understand

So it's coming, and if it takes being humble to learn a language- then I'm going to learn this language.

My investigators. Well, our second teacher left us. So we taught Nishimura Kyodai for the last time. We tried to commit him to baptism, but he didn't see the reason why we he had to. I tried my best to explain, but I didn't have the language to be able to. But he said he'd think about it. But he prays with such conviction. He prays like he's really talking to someone, and I can feel his love for God and God's love for him. Funny thing: we were teaching him outside and we asked him to say the closing prayer for our lesson and he said this: Translated: "My beloved Heavenly Father, it's hot right now." And I almost laughed. But he said it with such earnestness. I love my sensei, and I'm sad to see him go. He showed us pictures of his mission and told us stories, and I felt every ounce of love he had for Japan. We got to see pictures of the real Nishimura kyodai in white.
So often at devotionals the Spirit teaches you more than the person who is actually speaking- this Tuesday I had a semi-similar experience.
Two Elders behind me the entire devotional were mocking, laughing, and talking throughout the entire devotional. The realization hit me: 'Just because you go on a mission, doesn't instantly make you a good missionary'. Being a good missionary is just as difficult as being a good person in "the real world" because this world is as real as the one you're in. It takes constant work, focus, endurance, faith, charity, hope, etc. to be a good missionary/ person.
I feel more sad than anything else when Elders slack off; when they fall asleep or goof off when it's not okay.
But just so I don't destroy anyone's faith in the missionaries, the percent of the missionaries that I've just talked about is less than 1 percent. Just those few who haven't caught their purpose yet.
Everyone here is still excellent. I love it here so much. So many missionaries have such strong testimonies that it blows me away. I love this mission. I'm already afraid for it to be over.
Truly this is the most joy I have ever experienced in my life, and I haven't even been able to teach real Nihonjin. I love the Japanese people, I love this gospel, I love the Lord, and I love you.
Stay Strong Minasan, (everyone)
Elder Wheelwright

Monday, August 19, 2013

Elder Wheelwright & Elder Anderson

Tyson and Elder Anderson. Tyson is trying out his camera just before first trip to the temple in Provo

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Write Me Please!!!!!

Hey yo, 
So today's been a little interesting, 
Our traditional p-day schedule has been fouled up because of excellent things: The Temple! 
We finally got to go today! So, we may get less time. 
Hey just a quick disclaimer, if anyone feels like writing me letters feel free. 
My address is "Elder Tyson Clark Wheelwright
                                  SEP 17 JPN-SEN
                              2009 N 900 E Unit 104
                               Provo, Utah 84062

I will be able to reply to physical letters, demo (but) I won't be able to reply to emails. 
Thanks everyone. 
[... yep, got nothing this week. It's okay. But it's kinda sad that most Elders get more packages than I do letters. It's probably a good thing. But if you'd like to write me, I'll love to hear and respond. I cherish every letter I receive.)  
Oh this week, oh this week.... 
What has happened... Oh YA!
Richard G. Scott Choro came and spoke to everyone at the MTC. 
He is really one of my favorite Apostles. His gentleness with words and his ability to feel the spirit astound me. He taught all of us about prayer. 
A side note about MTC talks: These talks are not allowed to be viewed anywhere else but here. (At least I'm told) So many excellent talks (like Bednar Choro's Character of Christ talk... AMAZING) are reshown here. 
I was singing in the choir so we got slightly better seats- when he walked into the room, though he was far away, I could spot him out immediately. 
He was glowing. A faint warm glow- like a soft lamp in a dark room. He spoke with conviction and power about the importance of prayer. (I'll send some quotes later, at the other half of my email time) 
He was oddly emotional, and his eyes constantly gleamed with conviction and passion. 
Toward the end of his talk, he told us something close to this: 
"You might have wondered why I am particularly emotional tonight, and I feel so prompted to share with you the reason why. The Lord has permitted my precious wife, Jeanene, to be with us this night." 
He then proclaimed an Apostolic Blessing upon all of us who were learning language. Paraphrased; "I pronounce an Apostolic Blessing upon all of you who are leaning language foreign language. As you exercise faith" - I can't quote it well enough. I'll just send it in the other half. 
As he spoke, with the tender softness that has become his trademark, he voice his love for all of us, and said that if he could- he would like to spend an hour with each of us; to laugh and to cry as we talked. But, he told us, you have his opportunity to do exactly that with someone far more powerful and far more loving.  
When he spoke of his love it filled the room. Like the turning on of a light switch, love filled the corner of every heart in that room. - The love of Christ, His Charity, paves the way for the Spirit to testify of truth in the heart of every man. I love it! 
So language!!! 
This week it is going very well. I'm trying to exercise faith the the igen no tamamono (gift of tongues) and am pushing myself to learn as much as I possibly can. As all things that have worth in life, the learning of a language comes slowly. When you are working, you cannot tell if you are making progress or not in that moment, but after a large collection of moments we can look back and seen how truly far we've come. (Sorry if I'm choppy with words, there's a bunch of noise where I'm typing.) 
So the language is coming, and as I continue to exercise my faith in the gift promised to me, I know that I will grow beyond what I'm capable. (Enabling Power of the Atonement/ Grace= Awesome) 
The gospel is real. I'll write the other half of my letter if I get permission from my Branch President. 
If not, I love you all, and I'll write you next week. 
Left to Right; Kelly, Cortez Shimai, Day Choro, Scabulend Shimai, Anderson Choro (in the front), Watanabe Choro, me, Rasumusan Choro, Nebernezzer Choro, Hovenden Choro. 
Read the Scriptures!!! 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Japanese Legends

So, our branch president told us some cool Japanese legends that he came across: allow me to relate them.
So apparently there's this Japanese legend of this guy who descended from the sky in a white robe (sound familiar?) and taught them all sorts of things, including His gospel and even farming techniques [yeerp]. Also, the Shinto shrines are set up quite a bit like the tabernacle that the Israel-lights had. Also- in the parades that they have (I'm not sure which ones) but there's a man who dresses in a white robe, wears shoes that make him taller than everyone, and has a red mask with a big nose on it. My president said that”s what He probably looked like to them. Also! He said- "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold" to the people in America as well as in Europe. Christ loves all of us- sooo- I'll have to do my own research, but I thought that was pretty interesting. So ya'll should look into it.
Another story:
So Anderson Choro and I decided to go on a temple walk on this last Sunday- and as we were walking towards the temple some kids across the street yelled "HEY! IT'S THE MISSIONARIES!!!!" Yosh. (which means roughly translated "Ya, that just happened. I'm awesome.") :) I rejoice not of myself but rather of the Lord. I love being His servant and proclaiming His gospel. :)
So I'm gonna talk about some Japanese-
So English- I'm feel like I'm fairly capable of expressing myself in this language. I can get across what I'm thinking in a smooth way that allows people to grasp what I'm saying. In fact, I dare say it is one of the talents the Lord has given to me. However- when I must speak in Nihongo (which I love by the way. Japanese is amazing) I feel so constrained- Actually I wrote a metaphor- or simile thingy- a wee bit ago.
"[without English] I feel like a table stripped of my finish. Every crack and chip feels the full force of the elements that berate it." However!!! I'm ready to be scraped, sanded, and smooth by a more divine hand. Without my words I am brought into the deep humility and reality that I am so weak. It isn't a sad thing, in fact, it is a joyous thing. I am able to recognize more fully the gift and power of the Lord. I've been studying so hard, and yet I've been progressing not as quickly as I'd like. But- what makes it amazing is that the Lord will make up the rest. We first must give it our all for the Lord to bless us. That's how the gospel works.
Short story/ example of this: I sat down to teach Nishimura again, hopeful, but prepared to fail. I started speaking in Japanese and I didn't even have to look down at my notes. Somehow I was able to understand His questions, and He was able to understand me. Words that I don't even remember studying popped into my head and flowed out of my mouth (though, not all that smoothly). But it finally felt like an actual lesson! I was overjoyed and thanked the Lord. As I walked away I shouted in Nihongo "Watashiwa igen no tabemono wo arimasu!" (I have the gift of tongues!) I turned around and my sensei was behind me...
So I love it here! All of the missionaries have a mutual level of respect and kindness towards one another. They open doors, smile sweetly, etc. Everyone is so focused on other people. :) It's nice not to have to worry about yourself. :)
Fun story:
So in the PMG it says we're supposed to be distraught when we found out that the investigators haven't been keeping commitments. So our Sensei role-played an example and he just looked really downcast when a sister pretending to be an investigator told him she hadn't been reading. He didn't admonish, just looked really sad.
So I was thinking, "yep, I got this" And sensei told us all to role pay with our companions. He then walked around to observe.
I asked my companion if he'd read, and he told me he had been too busy. I tried to think about the salvation of the kyodosha (investigator) is dependent on their keeping of commitments.
My sensei came up and interrupts. "Are you okay?"
I looked at him: "I'm being disappointed."
"Oh... I thought something was seriously wrong..."
Then we both burst out laughing. :)

Yep, so people I've seen here.
Carina Smith- I saw her at the Sunday devo.
Jackson Ward- I ran into him at the computer lab on day. (My dorio and I use the English speakers computer labs for lang study) and we hugged and laughed.
Morgan Kotter- Is my favorite person in this world. He’s room in on the same floor as me. He's a Disempai (He's been here the longest) and we always talk and laugh if we run into each other. I think this place is making us crazy; I don't have much hope for my future as a Disempai. My conversation with Kotter Choro went like this:
Me: "How's your day been?"
Kotter Choro: "I found a stick today." With a very earnest look on his face.
Then we stared at each other quietly with straight faces. Then we burst out laughing.
Kotter Choro: "It was a cool stick..."
Michael Davis: Just barely! Again in the English speaking building. :) I love him.
Andrew Burton: At a Tuesday devotional.
Fish Messurvy: Just walking.
Michael Peters: Just walking
Amanda Walker: Just walking
And more people. :)

Alright, to leave you, a quote from myself:
"We often have a hard time knowing what to study, often times we use this as an excuse to avoid studying all together. When unsure, of where or how to study, pray to the Lord for the personal guidance of the spirit, and you will be guided. Look to edify yourself, or solve doctrinal or personal questions you have. The lord will answer our questions and prayers only if we listen- the way we show him we're listening and ready to be inspired  is to act like He's going to answer us. Have faith! Sit down with PMG Jesus the Christ, talks by the apostles or the best, the scriptures then begin to dig. I cannot stress enough the importance of study. (Maybe the reason I'm so obsessed with talking to you about it, is because I never had genuinely studied before.) Show your Father you're ready to learn. Study! It's like looking at the cross with the snake, only easier."
Some cool things to study: "Why do we pray in the name of Christ?" "Does repentance clear us of sins? If yes, then why are we baptized?" Seriously- the answers blew my mind. And how did I get them? STUDY!!!! :)
Tonikaku (anyways)
Things are good, and I attribute it all to the Lord. He loves us all.
The sacrament is gaining a whole new meaning to me. :)
I love the Lord, I love His gospel, I love this work (for it truly is work, all day every day), and I love you! :)
Wheelwright Choro

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Konnichiwa Watashino kazoku

Alright!!!! What to talk about..? I had such a good plan for last week's, but now... Alright, I'll answer some questions you all had:
"Elder Wheelwright, why are you so amazing?"
Well, there's a hard and a easy answer. The hard answer involves pride and kicking against the pricks and all that, and the easy one involves me crediting God. So I'll go with the easy one.
"What has you're days been like?"
Here's a run down:
Wake up- 6:15
I jump out of the top bunk, shave my face and get dressed.
Asagohan (brecky!)- 6:45
Then the rest of the day changes depending on the day of the week, but it mostly involves 4 hour nihongo classes and personal study sessions. I LOVE THE STUDY! (but we'll get to that later)
We have lunch at 11:10 and dinner at 4:10. I think the MTC staff wants us all to follow the schedule,I mean handbook, which states that we should eat no later than 6:00.
Side Note: Whoever manages the MTC is amazing- they were truly inspired. The way the schedule works makes it so that everything is being used at every time and by just the right amount of people. Gym time, meals, laundry, shower, etc. They do excellent. But the slight downside is that we get dinner at 4:10, and by 9:00 we're breaking out the care packages. (hint hint)
Sorry, I'm in an odd mood today.
I've been sick all week, but still reasonably high-spirited. The Lord, as always, has been lifting me up, and without his support there's no way that I'd still be functioning. (Not a barf-y sickness, just a dry cough, runny nose, aches) Apparently it's not a real mission experience if you haven't gotten sick at the MTC. :) So yay!
But seriously, the Lord is supporting me to do his work.
Some people complain or get grumpy or homesick, but those are the ones that have forgotten their purpose as a senkyoshi (missionary). It is truly amazing to receive all of the blessings of being a full-time servant of the Lord.
Sometimes I just look down at my name tag and smile- but I'm one of those weird missionaries that seriously loves to study the scriptures, etc. In fact, that's incorrect. A lot of missionaries love their mission and love to serve the Lord. It makes me happy. :)
"How is the language coming?"
It's coming.... Slowly... I'm trying hard, but often times I feel like I should be trying harder. I'm just not sure how. I've tried flash cards- pictures- repeating and repeating- and everything else that they suggest. It still... is not coming as fast as I'd like. I suppose it's rough when there's some people who've been studying Japanese seriously for 6+ years who's parents are Japanese, etc. in the same class with people who didn't know that Japan was different from China and Korea. BUT!!! I've had the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson. Velobos Sensei was teaching us, in all Japanese of course, then he looks at us and says "Mina-san (everone) What's up?" It was the first thing he'd said in English for a long while so everyone's heads snapped up. "Seriously, what's up?... Is it an off day?" He asked. I was quite sick that day, as were a few more missionaries, plus there was an unusual feeling of discouragement in the room.
Velobos Sensei then walked to the board and erased the rest of the schedule for the class. (I love Sensei). Then he straightened his frame and said seriously "What are your expectations for the MTC?" We had an amazing discussion, which was such a help, but I'll just tell you about the end. Right before class was over Velliobous Sensei said "Never compare yourself to others. Someone will always be better than you at everything you do. If you compare you'll be discouraged and never think you're good enough for your whole life. You need to plan for yourself- work as hard as you can and rejoice in your own progress. The Lord will help you." And I know He will.
Though His Grace (the enabling power of the Atonement) we can be lifted up and push along to perfection. In fact, that's the only way that we can become like God. You've heard of sins of omission, correct? Where you don't necessarily DO something bad, but rather you fail at doing everything good? Through the His Grace, you can conquer these sins as well. He can help you do more and become more, all we have to do is try our best to be like Him. I love the Savior more than words can express. I've been reading a whole bunch in John, which I also love, and I was astonished how often the people tried to kill their Savior. He called himself the I AM, which is the same name as Jehovah , it was against the Jewish law to even utter that name. The punishment was death by stoning. When Christ revealed Himself to the people, they tried to stone Him. They tried to kill the Savior who would suffer all of their pains, sins, and sorrows. Those who knew the Father, knew the Son. The blind man He healed with clay knew. One of the few.  
THEN, when the Christ, Savior of the World, told everyone about the sacrament, about how they must eat of His flesh and drink of his blood, they did as many people do when they don't understand: they turned away- They all left Him. Instead of asking the Father, they turned away from all they knew and saw up to that point because of one small thing. Some doctrine that didn't make sense to them, some small misunderstanding. Then the Savior turns to Simon Peter and asks something along the lines of: "Will you leave me also?" and what Simon Peter answers brings tears to my eyes. I can't do it justice. It's somewhere in John 8ish.
So, I've always thrived off of the fact that I'm different. A hypster instinct to express my own individuality- however, though it is generic- I truly love the Savior and learning about Him- more than all else.
Sorry if you wanted to hear about me-
Life as a missionary is amazing, it's hard, but not too hard. The more your trust in the Lord, the more you put into His hands, the more you will accomplish. It's like buying a lottery ticket that you know will always win, if that makes sense. Invest a little, you will gain a lot. I'm just surprised more people aren't inclined to invest. :) But that's what I'm here for.
My investigators are doing well. We got both of them to pray and one of them felt the Spirit. We're trying to teach the other to recognize it.
Oh! today we get to teach real people- so not role play [role play is important, that's all the temple is], so I'm a little nervous. We get to speak cave man Japanese. YAY! :)
Well, I'm about out of time. I hope you gained something. :) I get excited when I talk about the Savior just like I do when I talk about Metroid, except more so. Which has never happened before.
I love the Lord, and I love you all.
Invest in Him!!!!!