Friday, August 16, 2013

Japanese Legends

So, our branch president told us some cool Japanese legends that he came across: allow me to relate them.
So apparently there's this Japanese legend of this guy who descended from the sky in a white robe (sound familiar?) and taught them all sorts of things, including His gospel and even farming techniques [yeerp]. Also, the Shinto shrines are set up quite a bit like the tabernacle that the Israel-lights had. Also- in the parades that they have (I'm not sure which ones) but there's a man who dresses in a white robe, wears shoes that make him taller than everyone, and has a red mask with a big nose on it. My president said that”s what He probably looked like to them. Also! He said- "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold" to the people in America as well as in Europe. Christ loves all of us- sooo- I'll have to do my own research, but I thought that was pretty interesting. So ya'll should look into it.
Another story:
So Anderson Choro and I decided to go on a temple walk on this last Sunday- and as we were walking towards the temple some kids across the street yelled "HEY! IT'S THE MISSIONARIES!!!!" Yosh. (which means roughly translated "Ya, that just happened. I'm awesome.") :) I rejoice not of myself but rather of the Lord. I love being His servant and proclaiming His gospel. :)
So I'm gonna talk about some Japanese-
So English- I'm feel like I'm fairly capable of expressing myself in this language. I can get across what I'm thinking in a smooth way that allows people to grasp what I'm saying. In fact, I dare say it is one of the talents the Lord has given to me. However- when I must speak in Nihongo (which I love by the way. Japanese is amazing) I feel so constrained- Actually I wrote a metaphor- or simile thingy- a wee bit ago.
"[without English] I feel like a table stripped of my finish. Every crack and chip feels the full force of the elements that berate it." However!!! I'm ready to be scraped, sanded, and smooth by a more divine hand. Without my words I am brought into the deep humility and reality that I am so weak. It isn't a sad thing, in fact, it is a joyous thing. I am able to recognize more fully the gift and power of the Lord. I've been studying so hard, and yet I've been progressing not as quickly as I'd like. But- what makes it amazing is that the Lord will make up the rest. We first must give it our all for the Lord to bless us. That's how the gospel works.
Short story/ example of this: I sat down to teach Nishimura again, hopeful, but prepared to fail. I started speaking in Japanese and I didn't even have to look down at my notes. Somehow I was able to understand His questions, and He was able to understand me. Words that I don't even remember studying popped into my head and flowed out of my mouth (though, not all that smoothly). But it finally felt like an actual lesson! I was overjoyed and thanked the Lord. As I walked away I shouted in Nihongo "Watashiwa igen no tabemono wo arimasu!" (I have the gift of tongues!) I turned around and my sensei was behind me...
So I love it here! All of the missionaries have a mutual level of respect and kindness towards one another. They open doors, smile sweetly, etc. Everyone is so focused on other people. :) It's nice not to have to worry about yourself. :)
Fun story:
So in the PMG it says we're supposed to be distraught when we found out that the investigators haven't been keeping commitments. So our Sensei role-played an example and he just looked really downcast when a sister pretending to be an investigator told him she hadn't been reading. He didn't admonish, just looked really sad.
So I was thinking, "yep, I got this" And sensei told us all to role pay with our companions. He then walked around to observe.
I asked my companion if he'd read, and he told me he had been too busy. I tried to think about the salvation of the kyodosha (investigator) is dependent on their keeping of commitments.
My sensei came up and interrupts. "Are you okay?"
I looked at him: "I'm being disappointed."
"Oh... I thought something was seriously wrong..."
Then we both burst out laughing. :)

Yep, so people I've seen here.
Carina Smith- I saw her at the Sunday devo.
Jackson Ward- I ran into him at the computer lab on day. (My dorio and I use the English speakers computer labs for lang study) and we hugged and laughed.
Morgan Kotter- Is my favorite person in this world. He’s room in on the same floor as me. He's a Disempai (He's been here the longest) and we always talk and laugh if we run into each other. I think this place is making us crazy; I don't have much hope for my future as a Disempai. My conversation with Kotter Choro went like this:
Me: "How's your day been?"
Kotter Choro: "I found a stick today." With a very earnest look on his face.
Then we stared at each other quietly with straight faces. Then we burst out laughing.
Kotter Choro: "It was a cool stick..."
Michael Davis: Just barely! Again in the English speaking building. :) I love him.
Andrew Burton: At a Tuesday devotional.
Fish Messurvy: Just walking.
Michael Peters: Just walking
Amanda Walker: Just walking
And more people. :)

Alright, to leave you, a quote from myself:
"We often have a hard time knowing what to study, often times we use this as an excuse to avoid studying all together. When unsure, of where or how to study, pray to the Lord for the personal guidance of the spirit, and you will be guided. Look to edify yourself, or solve doctrinal or personal questions you have. The lord will answer our questions and prayers only if we listen- the way we show him we're listening and ready to be inspired  is to act like He's going to answer us. Have faith! Sit down with PMG Jesus the Christ, talks by the apostles or the best, the scriptures then begin to dig. I cannot stress enough the importance of study. (Maybe the reason I'm so obsessed with talking to you about it, is because I never had genuinely studied before.) Show your Father you're ready to learn. Study! It's like looking at the cross with the snake, only easier."
Some cool things to study: "Why do we pray in the name of Christ?" "Does repentance clear us of sins? If yes, then why are we baptized?" Seriously- the answers blew my mind. And how did I get them? STUDY!!!! :)
Tonikaku (anyways)
Things are good, and I attribute it all to the Lord. He loves us all.
The sacrament is gaining a whole new meaning to me. :)
I love the Lord, I love His gospel, I love this work (for it truly is work, all day every day), and I love you! :)
Wheelwright Choro

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