Monday, September 30, 2013

Japan 'n' Stuff

Konnichiwa Minasan! You're all probably asleep or something...? It's 9:34 in Ishinomaki, and it's beautiful.
So desune,
First off I'd like to start off with a clarification. When I said shelters last week, that might've been a tad misleading. They're temporary houses. Made of wood and plastic. Not bad at all. But still not a home.
Alright, so I throughout the week, in a desire to get to know my trainer, have asked him what his favorite color is... a lot.
Here's the list.
Ohori Choro's favorite colors:
1. Brown - Which shocked me. No one I've ever met likes the color brown. I questioned him about it and he said: brown is simple color.
2. (second favorite) Dark brown.
3. Cobalt Brown (I'm not sure if this is a color. But this one is probably my favorite.)
4. Choco Brown (like chocolate )
5. Golden Brown
6. Yellow Brown (like old bananas)
7. Primary Brown
8. White Brown
9. Onion Brown
10. Red
So we taught English Class this week, and I think I finally understand how Japanese people feel when they speak to me.
Me: "Alright everyone! Who's excited for class?"
Then they just stare with worried expressions on their faces.
Japanese Language Update: Still Japanese
I head a quote from someone that they heard from someone that a Harvard Linguistics Professor said (the point is, it's 100% reliable): "Japanese is six times harder that Spanish, and three times harder than Russian"
:) the language is coming. I can actually teach and testify in lessons, and have simple conversations with people in the street.
Interesting foods that I've eaten this week (in order of least to most interesting)
1. Ice cream with Corn Flakes- pretty simple- pretty good
2. Burnt Popcorn Water- it's a tea that's okay for LDS people to drink. You know when you have a little Koolaid and way too much water? Just imagine that Koolaid was burnt popcorn flavor. Yum. :)
3. Cabbage Pancakes with mayo and eel sauce. Pretty good. Tastes like... Not like it sounds.
4. Tako yaki- Taco in Japan is not a happy little meaty-cheezy Spanish food. Toko = Octopus. So you take Octopus blubber (from what i understand) mix it with batter, and put all sorts of random sea things in it, like sea weed and crab. To be honest like most things in japan, if you don:t think about it it tastes great. :)
5. Mushroom Goop- Consistency of snot. Tastes like nothing.
6. Raw Eggs with Rice- Not bad... Raw.
7. Natto (Fermented Soy Beans) Also has a consistency of snot. First it tastes like nothing, then it tastes like beans, and then it tastes like charcoal. Most people don't like it, but I'm going to eat it tomorrow. Suki desu.
8. Little Fish Crunchys- So, you know those banana shaped rice crackers with peanuts? They have some with little baby fried fish in them. Like real fish. Eyes, bones, skin and all. Tastes like fish.

9. Raw Fish Eggs- They pop, and they're actually not too bad. I really actually like them.
10. Tako Tentacles- An octopus tentacle. With skin (suction cup and all). It's cooked, so it's at least warm. Really chewy. Just imagine heating up a bouncy ball, and then chewing on it. Tastes like nothing.
11. Last but not least, Sashimi. So I've had sushi, that's a given. Just raw fish wrapped up in rice and stuff. Sashimi is a lot like that. Only it's just raw fish. and there's more of it.... and it's raw. I':s slimy and the texture is like nothing I've ever experienced. When you cook fish, it kinda falls apart. This however sticks together. But overall, not bad. I'd eat it again.
So yep! I thought that I'd only eat crazy foods in restaurants, but every day there's something fun. :)
Switching Gears: Spiritual Experiences.
Normally I bring my Japanese Triple when we head out. But one morning I felt inclined to bring a hand out copy of the Mormon Sho. No idea why. Later that day, we're going to visit this older woman (where we got to kneel on the ground the whole time. :) really. I love Japan.) and there were three boys eating candy outside of the building on the steps. Ohori Choro, being the subarashi senkyoshi that he is, started talking about the Book of Mormon to them, and he related it to the Anime One Piece.
A side note about Anime. It:s everywhere. It's they have statues all throughout the city of anime characters, and they even have it on the sewer covers. Amazing.
Ohori Choro always brings two Mormon Sho's (and now so do I for that matter), he handed the two to two of the boys, and then I realized that I had one as well. With amazement I pulled out the copy and handed it to the third boy. The Spirit works though us always (if we're righteous) we just don't recognize it.
Gah, I'm out of time. I'll write you more next week if I have time.
I love you all!

More Yummy Food

My Name Tags
3 names on the Tags
Jesus Christ
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
Elder Wheelwright

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