So, if you all of you at home feel like you can't keep track of who's my companion and what, don't you worry: I hardly can ether.
So Elder Fox is transferring to Tsuruoka (my second area). Elder Earl is going to Yonezawa. And Sister Konishi is going to Hirosaki.
And in their place-
Hill Choro is getting Elder Cox- (my older Zone Leader)
Sister Tuttle is getting Iwahashi Shimai (from Iwaki)
And I'm getting Elder Temanaha Moo (ta ma na ha mo O) (Everyone calls him Elder Mo)
Yep. He's not American. (nor is he Japanese. He's from Tahitian. He speaks four languages fluently. And I'm told that he's the nicest missionary in the mission. He's over six feet tall-
So that's pretty cool. Maybe I'll learn some French.
This week... Fox Choro got back from Sendai getting his tooth (they only took one of his two wisdom teeth that were coming in) out on Wednesday.
We had interviews with the mission president on Thursday, (and prepared for the Halloween party)
on Friday we had Zone Training Meeting in Aomori (almost a two hour long train ride) then we came back and did our Halloween party here, and headed out for Aomori once more on Saturday for the the Saturday sessions of Branch Conference went home (it took so long that we got home at 10:15 that night. (with the President's permission)) Then for the Sunday session, yesterday we went to Misawa...
Whew... Yep.
There was a lot of good talks, and I understood all of the Japanese except for President Smith's talk where he talked about one of the medical tests that he had to go though where he said a word in Japanese that took at least a good five seconds to say.
Sister Smith too was amazing and stood up in front of everyone (only been in Japan for three transfers) and gave a talk in Japanese. It was understandable! She did awesome.
I've been sick.
I've got a cold and a cough and had a fever for a bit. In Japan it's pretty gross and rude to blow your nose in front of people (or so I'm told, and I've never seen anyone do it... so...) but's it's not rude at all to sniffle all the time.
A kind member gave me a cough drop.
But it didn't do much.
Earl Choro was telling me that when he had Japanese exchange students come over to America and stay with them, that they weren't supposed to give them Ibuprofen and stuff, because it's too strong for them or something- and so I guess that Japanese medicine just don't have quite the kick that Western Medicine. (Ibuprofen is actually illegal to buy or sell here.)
On Tuesday or Wednesday we visited an older member who's confined to her home, named Matsuda Shimai. She's an angel.
She gave us juice and senbe (rice crackers), and was just amazing. She apologized for the war and stuff, which I kind of surprised me, because she was maybe 19 or so when the atomic bombing happened. and War is often bad on all sides.
She's so cute. She said she expected to be dead already but she just (to her own regret) kept on living and living.
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