Monday, October 7, 2013

So, Typhoons


This week:s been good. We got typhooned. 
In the Sendai zone we focus a bunch on dendo with members. So since our ward is so tiny, between the two compaionships (tri-panionships), we can visit every member of the branch. 
So, about three/four days ago, we decided to visit a Sister in the ward. The thing is, she doesn't normally get visited because she lives about 1 hour and 20 minutes on a bike away from the apartment. But, we decided to go anyways, because we felt inclined to. So off we went. :) and luckily it typhooned because it would've been an extremely boring bike ride if it wasn't/ 
A Note about typhoons: I:m not sure how science plays in, but all I know is that I had never experienced real rain until that day. It doesn't hit hard. It:s not painful. There is just so much and it never slows down. Ohori Choro probably thought Elder Willey and I were crazy because we were laughing our heads off about how unbelievable it was. It was grand.
Elder Willy took off his shoe when we got to the sister's house and poured out a couple handfuls of water.
She wasn't there. 

So we wrote her a very soggy note and headed back. We housed on the way back and we met the two cutest Japanese twins. 1 boy 1 girl, Each four years old. They spoke better Japanese then me, which makes me laugh. This really nice lady let us in and we talked about the gospel. In the end though, she wasn't interested. She was just being nice like all Japanese people are. 

A Note about Japanese People: 
You will never meet any more giving people in your entire life. We just got back to our apartment for lunch today and there was a bag of three shushirolls and potstickers. Everyone is always giving us stuff. We went to buy soymilk and noodles from this store one of members in our ward and she charged us half for everything. Then when we were in a different store, grocery bags aren't free like they are in America, so your supposed to buy them at the checkout, but I thought I could fit it all in my normal bag. I fit all of it except like twp bags of rice crackers and a carton of juice, (i like rice crackers. :)) but so I was just carrying it.  And before we walked out of the store, the lady from the checkout stand, came about fifty-feet with a bag to help me out. So nice. 
(in case you can't tell, my English is becoming worse. (but I love it!) I speak Japanese a ton, and when a Japanese person speaks English with me I have to speak really simply, so I'm just not used to writing in English.) 
Right now I'm caught between two languages. I can't speak Japanese proficiently to be considered normal, and I can't speak English like I used to be able to. :) but I love it. 
Alright そですね 気の私たちはアメリカン人を逢います太。(Yesterday we met an American) His name was Sean. (I actually don't know how to spell it, but I'm just going to spell it my favorite way. I love you, Sean.) He's a history major that's teaching English over here, he was really amazed by the history of the Book of Mormon, and wanted to know more. So we set up an appointment in two weeks. Willy Choro was very classy in the way he set up the appointment. He got his number and then called it right in front of him to make sure it was the right one. It was. :) 
[Sean:s technically Catholic, "but only because that's what my insurance is though." He said he has a hard time with the whole Faith aspect of any religion. Which is kinda what I wanted to talk a little bit about today
From Paul and Alma we get this Bible Dictionary Definition: Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true. 
Well that:s quantifiable. 
So what Hope? 
True to the Faith says it excellently: "The word hope is sometimes misunderstood. In our everyday language, the word often has a hint of uncertainty. For example, we may say that we hope for a change in the weather or a visit from a friend. In the language of the gospel however, the word hope is sure, unwavering, and active."
So, Faith is undoubtingly believing in things which are not seen, but are true.
So how do you know it's true?
The instant you know it's certainly true, then you no longer have faith, right? it becomes knowledge. 
Hum... Faith is the first step to everything in the gospel. if you lack faith you aren't able to accomplish anything. 
I used to think that faith was a placebo effect. Where if you believe in something hard enough then it happens. 
But.. what if the placebo effect is merely science's quantification of a small aspect of faith. Not what if , I dare say  it is.  Faith to be healed.  
It's not wrong for faith to make the jump into knowledge, in fact, that's faith's natural course. Faith is eventually meant to become knowledge. Think about Moses, his faith eventually lead him to see God. Or the Brother of Jared, he had faith that God would give light to the stones, and eventually he was able to see God as well. Their faith in God became a sure knowledge. 
I only placed faith in the realm of the spiritual things of this world. But it extends beyond that. - I can't tell you everything that I've learned just yet, because I'm still trying to make sense of it. But True Faith is a different kind of faith, a Faith in Christ. The only way though which we can be saved. 
We practice faith on a daily basis. When we set a goal, our faith that our goal is possible leads us to action (for faith is a principal of action.). 

We road quickly back to town after stopping at the sister's home. We had a lesson with our investigator. We taught him again in his shop. and I was dripping throughout the whole lesson. Luckily the floor is concrete. We taught him about the restoration. He's amazing. I was supposed to teach him about prophets. This is how it went.
me: "so, have you ever heard of a prophet before?"
Him: "They”re the people who receive God's word and share it with, and guide, the rest of the church."
this may not sound impressive to anyone of a Christian background, but all three of our mouths fell open. These people don't even really know who Jesus Christ is, and his man gave an perfect definition of prophets. (It sounds even more perfect in Japanese) I, because I have gaijin power, gave him a hug after the lesson... he hugged me back. :,)
I'll be more organized next time with my letter.

I normally write what I want to write about in my planner,

but I couldn't use my planner because it:s been drying. 

I love my companionship.
This Gospel is great stuff.
I love you all! 

Me and an Anime Statue. Ishinomaki has their own superheros. They're 9 cyborgs. This one is number nine. he's my favorite.

My Very last thing for this week.  If anybody has any questions about Japan will you please send them to my Mom or write them as a comment.  I would like to answer all of the questions I can in next weeks blog.

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