Monday, February 17, 2014


Here's what's going down this week. I am going to tell you a little quickly, so I can finally finish the mission prep letter. It's gonna be good. Maybe.
Boden Choro
 being eaten by a street fish
That's the Japanese equivalent of three baptisms in a Spanish speak mission. :) just joking... kinda... 
Her name is Yuko-san. She's this girl who is Tsugiyama-san (our other investigator)'s friend. She's super nice, but... We're not sure if she's interested in us, or the Gospel right now. I just asked her last week if she could come an hour early to English class so we could teach her about why we're here in Japan. She accepted. We did a joint lesson, with Sister Hirayama, and Brother Nomura. Brother Nomura bore a sweet testimony, and I could tell she was interested in what he was saying. He told a story about how he worked at a noodle shop, and one day he was really tired, and his hand got caught into the noodle making machine, and 'became\turned into' a word I didn't know. I looked it up on my dictionary. It meant 'in chunks or in pieces' He showed us his scar on his wrist... Nasty. But he said that God comforted him though the pain, and other amazing stuff. I love him. 

Takeya-san came to church, but said he can only meet with us on Sundays because of the way winter affects him. He gets super tired. 

I was sitting by Takeya-san, and we were just having a light conversation about sports. He said he loved Judo, and since he was a cop in Tokyo, I assumed he was pretty good. Plus he's huge. I told him he should teach me sometime. 
He stood up. "Now," And walked to an open part of the room. 
'Well, now I done it....' was my only thought, and I pictured him breaking me in half. 
But, none the less, I let him grab my collar, and my sleeve. He showed me how to throw someone to the ground, (without throwing me to the ground thankfully) and he had me try it on him. He had me do it hard, so he almost went to the ground.
So on splits Hoops Choro and I visited Murokoshi-san. 
One of the first things she said:
"Hey, I met with some of your friends." 
"What friends?" -I asked, expecting exactly what happened. 
"Um.. they gave me a pamphlet, do you want to see?" 
She grabbed it. Hoops Choro flipped it to the back. The good old JW was looking back at us. 
"They're... a different church." Hoops Choro said. 
"Oh, well. I invited them back." She said not knowing, with a smile. "They're both Japanese, so it's pretty easy to talk with them and understand." 
Dahhhh..... It was time to activate phase two. 
We taught her about the Spirit, and helped her recognize that she's felt the Spirit's promptings before. Challenged her to read and pray to God to ask if it's true. She accepted. 
Phase two is to do a joint lesson with the Kimura Couple. So that's the plan. 
Whew... I've gotten a cold and I'm all achy all over, so... Hopefully it doesn't get worse. 
I love you all.... 
Elder Wheelwright
Us in our Oni masks

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