Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekly Update

Dear Minasan,
(Minasan is how you refer to "Everyone'.  There's this poor girl in our English class, whose last name is Mina... Unfortunate.)
Well, this week!
We read a children's book with Murokoshi-san. Taisetsuna kimi. (In English the book is called 'You are Special') It's the book about the little wooden puppets, and one, Punchanello, who's not very good at anything, finds out his relationship with his creator.  It's amazing.  She loved it.  We explained to her that our relationship with God is similar, that He knows our names, and He is just waiting to talk to us.
She still believes that Christ is the Savior, but Ocyaka (whoever that is?) is also a religious leader from God.  Boden Choro worked his way around and then testified that there is one God and one way.  She is caught between the two worlds.  We're just trying to build her faith, until she's ready to make the jump.
Played soccer with Ryutaro again.  A couple of the guys taught me how to do rainbow kicks etc.  Granted, I'm not very good at all but it was really fun.

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