Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A trip to the Ocean

We went to the Ocean last p-day! 
It gets dark way quick. The first one was at like 5:00 pm. 
So we cleaned the apartment, etc. Then we some how ended up with an extra hour of time. Olsen Choro looks at me and says "Uh uu Uuh un uu Uuuh" Which in man-language means "What do you want to do?" and I, being the noble person I am, in order to prevent a jungle book vulture scene repeat, I yelled: "I WANNA GO U AH OCEAN!" 
So we went to the ocean. 
I plotted our journey on the map that would take us through busy streets with lots of street lights, and in order to avoid factories, I planned to go though a nice residential area- then right to the ocean. 
So... We started and it looked pretty normal. 
Then out of no where, the huge four-lane streets became empty of cars. Buildings disappeared, and street lights hung, omoniously and alone over our heads; stopping and starting traffic that didn't exist. 
We stopped awkwardly at the light, and waited for it to turn green. A single lost looking little Japanese car drove slowly though. The light waited for what seemed like five minutes and switched. We turned right, which in Japan, is like turning left. 
We turned onto a street, we saw a gray tsunami wall on the horizon, and empty fields full of weeds. I felt a little eerie feeling as I biked down the empty street. Puddles of water settled in the streets off-shooting ours. Then, as I looked carefully at the fields, I made a realization that I should've a long time ago. 
Foundations of houses, broken corners of houses, and twisted metal sticking out of cracked cement, poked out of the weeds. 
These were all that was left of the houses.
The ocean was pretty, and we laughed and had fun (not playing in the water of course), but I felt an awed respect, maybe even a distant tinge of fear as I looked out at the gray waters.
Sorry, funny detail, etc, (I just haven't written a good story in a while!.) 

So yep! This picture is the picture of when we went to the ocean on P-day. It was kinda weird because we biked down empty streets and fields that used to be houses. You could see the foundations of thousands of houses in the fields of weeds. It was a little strange to think about what this place used to be. Four-laned streets with cars, etc. Now puddled roads next to fields of cement and weeds.

We had dinner at Umeharashimai's house with two less active members and the sisters. The two less actives are
friends and they had a cooking contest where we were supposed to be the judges. On regards of who won- we did. We got a lot of food. I love these people. :) 

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