Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mer Letter

How are you?
Good. Thank you. How are you? (Some times I ask simple questions in English to Japanese people, and so this usually the only one they can answer. They always say "Fine how you?" way quickly. It makes me laugh.

Is there a Thanksgiving day in Japan? 
There is no Thanksgiving, but we've got new-years week coming up soon. Apparently it's pretty sweet. I heard Amori has crazy festivals, but I guess we'll see after the transfer date, but my Bean-hood is almost up. (In the Japanese missions we call new missionaries `beans'. 
 What day of the year is that? There is no thanksgiving, just like there is no Halloween. Maybe some people do it, but for the most part, it'd be like you doing Guy Falks (Or however you spell it) day. But our Branch President made us a thanksgiving dinner like I've never had. They tried to make mashed potatoes. It's just not the same. But my skill for eating mashed potatoes with chopsticks came in handy. But the main dish was an amazing fried rice with random sausage in it. Pretty good. 
 How are things going for you?
Our District

Dinner party

Things are good. 
What has your week been like?
Well, it's had 7 days and twenty-four hours in each one of those. The sun sets at 4:30 here, so that's kinda strange.
Who are you teaching?
This week we taught Sean twice. One kaiyobi (Tuesday) we're teaching the Kitami fufu again. 
How is Sean coming along?
Going pretty good. He's feeling the Spirit, but he has a very difficult time believing in things that are 'historically and scientifically' impossible, though he hasn't said it that bluntly.
What about Fred? We actually dropped Fred. We had him make a list of his questions, and we answered everyone and gave him a written list of the answers, so that maybe he'd stop going back to questions we already answered. It didn't work. Our last lesson he ended up yelling at us "WHO MADE THE BAD THINGS?" over and over when we explained that God does do evil things to us. We answered by saying Evil is like cold. It's the absence of warmth or God. But he won't accept anything. So... We dropped him.
What about the Fufu you are teaching? They're doing great. They are really willing to listen to everything that we say, and Mr. Kitami prayed at the end of the lesson. The prayer was kiyokain poi. (Just like a members) Which is amazing for Japanese. They love serving everyone else, and they never stop. They're always making us mugicha and they invited us to a picture show. Which is a traditional Japanese story book reading, but it's totally different. We used it as an opportunity to talk with a bunch of people. 
I am thinking that it is about time for transfers? Yep, next Sunday I'll figure out.
When is the next one? Yep. Tuesday. 
Did you have your zone conference with Pres and Sister Rasmussen? Yep! We're doing a Christmas taikai (conference) this week. We're actually putting on a nativity play. I am probably going to be the guy that sits behind the back curtain the whole time and raises the star. Yay! 
Do you like all my questions? 
Ya. I like them.
Do you think I should ask more?
You know, it's all up to you. I like answering questions because it tailors what I write to what the peoples are wanting. 
Did I type them correctly?
Spell check isn't having a problem. (Spell check works out-side of the MTC)
Did you like it?
MEERNA (That's not Japanese, don't worry)
What do you think? いいえ、どうおもいますか
So... This week eh. I'm not even sure what to say about it. 
So housing is a last resort. Do not allow the missionaries in your area resort to housing. 
Here's a list of the best ways to dendo (personal opinion) 
1. Referrals (There's no disputing this one. When you have a friend introduce their friend to the gospel, you have an immediate support system. President Hinckley gives an excellent talk on it. He calls it 'The Better Way'
2. Having a person find the Church's website and order a Book of Mormon or something. (I've never had that happen so far.) 
3. Having a person come to one of the activities. English Class, the Christmas party, etc. 
4. Every other method. (doing service is probably on the top of this. or maybe above activities.) 
5. Streeting 

I love you all! 
We'll find out about transfers next week.

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