Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New area

So. New comp. New area. New... pretty much everything.
I took a bus to Sendai, met my companion and headed on a bus straight
to Tsuruoka.
So I guess the gang's all new so I'd better introduce everyone.
Alright! There's six missionaries. Four Elders and a Fufu Senkyoshi.
(a couple missionary)
First is ME!!! because I'm the most important. 
I'm a chill junior companion! Yay for being a junior!
But my comp is amazing.
So next is- My Companion- Elder Boden
Elder Boden is from Utah. Some where in Utah valley. He grew up on a
farm, so he's not afraid of messy things.
for example: In Japan they don't really have garbage disposals, so
they came up with a clever way to have one, without actually having
one. There's a huge net that sinks down into the depths of your sink,
about the size of a janga tower. You put a covering over it so it
looks like a normal sink. We have a cute frog shaped cover-  all of
the water drains down his happy mouth... yay?
so this bag is contained in another filter that's made of metal.
SO... there comes a point. Maybe once every one or two months  where
you sink decides it doesn't want to drain anymore because there's too
much gunk in the bag. So... Fortunately this happened to me as I was
cleaning dishes.
So, I proceeded to remove the bag that was full of a month's worth of
sink gunk. (curry chunks, and rotting rice.) Boden Choro sees me
changing things, just comes over and slowly
takes the bag from me, and then pulls out the metal filter, which
hasn't been cleaned in probably six months (which was growing black
slime) and starts going at it with his toothbrush... His own
TOOTHBRUSH. (okay, that was a little misleading. Yes it was his
toothbrush, but not the one he was currently using to brush his teeth
every night. His was using his OLD toothbrush. He donated it for
So he's pretty great. He's concrete in his thinking, which compliments
my free floating thoughts. We balance. He's the type of guy that if
you asked him "Who made God?" would say "It doesn't matter. We're just
supposed to baptize people." It a good thing. I love him.
So. There's the other two.
Olsen Choro- (different from my previous companion) Olsen Choro cracks
me up. He's from Canada (just like the other Olsen Choro). He always
has this smile on his face. He smiles at everything. He has an annoyed
smile, an angry smile, an 'Oh, this is gonna be good' smile, a 'what
are you doing?' smile, etc. He plays the piano, sings, love basket
ball, and he's just all around nice.
Hoops Choro- He's the District Leader. He's new to the area, just like
me. (Olsen, Boden, and me are all from the same doki. All three of us
just finished being trained.) Hoops choro has almost been out a year.
He's a guy who likes things clean {(which is nice, because this
Apartment needs help.)}? and also likes anime, but not in a super
weird way. He's had Japanese companions for the last two transfers (I
think) so he's kinda forgotten how to speak English. But he's way
The Kimura Fufu!
They are my Nihonjin Grandparents.
They're both converts to the church (like most members in Japan) and
they're from Tokyo, but Kimura Shimai grew up in this area.
They're amazing. Kimura Shimai made us curry the first day we got
here. Boden Choro forgot to warn me, and I just scarfed all of it
down as quick as ever. Just as I took my last bite (feeling stuffed)
she scooped up my plate and brought it back, more full than before,
right in front of me. I almost died trying to eat it. But she's so
Kimura Choro, when I first saw him, appeared to be a traditional old
Japanese man. Who doesn't talk much and would speak everything in
really respectful old Japanese. But I soon found out that wasn't the
case. Though he prays in crazy old respectful Japanese, when we talk
with him he sounds like a little boy. (like uses chill Japanese. Not
necessarily less polite, but more friendly.) People speak casually to
their friends for the most part, and we're friends so he throws 'yo!'
at the end of a lot of his sentences, and just says some way funny
things. He's trying to learn English from us, and he's actually really
We were driving with them, caroling to the less active members, and in
order to stay up with the car of the other carolers he blasted though
a (barely changed) red light and yelled "UTAH STYLE!" (he's driven in
Utah before, and apparently we drive way different)
We also were listening to joy to the world in some island language
(not Japanese) and he started just singing ridiculously, mumbling
nonsense, and just making all sorts of funny noises.
I left my dictionary in his car and he called me up later and said to
me in English:
"Elder Wheelwright- are you missing something?"
"Um... Oh ya! My denki jisho!" (electronic dictionary.. oh... I bought
one of those by the way...)
"Thank you for my new Christmas present!"
(then we had a hilarious Japanese conversation... because I can speak
some Japanese.)

Anyway. I've been blabbing. I've gotta check some things. I might
write you more!

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